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Reiki- A beautiful way to start your healing journey (read info)

Reiki- A beautiful way to start your healing journey (read info)


Prices at bottom of information. Massage offered.. keep reading. Reiki: How This Type of Energy Healing Works and Its Health Benefits Reiki is an ancient science that has been used for thousands of years throughout the world to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Although modern medicine continues to develop new treatments and drugs to battle our ailments, more people are turning towards holistic health practices such as Reiki to improve their overall well-being. Whether you’ve heard about its powerful effects but don’t know much about it or have never heard of it before, this will explain what Reiki is, how it works, what the benefits are and what conditions are treated by Reiki. Read on if you’re ready to take a journey down the path of healing energy! What is Reiki Healing? Reiki healing comes from two Japanese words: Rei (universal) and Ki (life force energy). In its simplest terms, it is the practice of channeling life force energy into another person in order to promote healing. In traditional Reiki healing practice, practitioners use their hands to transfer this energy from one person to another. This energy helps restore balance in the body’s natural systems and can help treat physical illnesses as well as emotional traumas. How Reiki Healing Works? Reiki is a practice that involves placing hands over or just above specific areas of the body, with the goal being to transmit healing energy from the practitioner to their client through what are called “meridians” in Chinese medicine. These meridians are believed to be pathways through which our life force energy flows throughout our bodies. A Reiki session typically lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the individual’s needs. During this time, practitioners use a combination of hand placement techniques and visualization exercises to help clear any blockages in the flow of life force energy throughout the body. This helps bring balance back into an individual’s life on both physical and emotional levels. Benefits of Reiki Healing: The benefits of reiki are numerous, but some of its most widely recognized advantages include: • Reducing anxiety • Improving sleep quality • Increasing mental clarity • Improving overall well-being • Restoring balance in your energy fields • Relieve pain from chronic conditions or injuries. • Boosts immunity against illness or disease • Accelerates recovery after surgery or other medical treatments. In addition to these benefits, some people also report feeling more spiritually connected to themselves after a reiki session. Conditions treated with Reiki Healing? The goal of reiki is to restore balance by channeling this universal life force energy into the body. So, what conditions does reiki treat? Let’s explore. Physical Conditions Treated by Reiki Reiki has been shown to help with a variety of physical conditions, such as chronic pain or fatigue. It can also be beneficial in cases where there is an underlying energetic imbalance causing physical symptoms. For instance, if someone is dealing with digestive issues such as constipation or bloating, reiki may help the body rebalance itself and reduce those symptoms. Additionally, reiki can help promote a feeling of overall well-being which can be beneficial for those with chronic illnesses or other disorders like fibromyalgia or lupus. Mental Health Conditions Treated by Reiki Healing Reiki has also been shown to help with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. By restoring balance in the body’s life force energy system, reiki can help alleviate feelings of stress and worry while promoting a sense of calmness and clarity. Additionally, it can be beneficial for those who have experienced trauma or have difficulty sleeping as it helps open up blocked pathways in the body, allowing for a better flow of energy throughout the body, and leading to a greater sense of relaxation. Emotional Conditions Treated by Reiki Lastly, reiki is helpful in treating emotional issues such as grief or anger. The process works by helping people reconnect with their inner selves so they can gain clarity about their emotional states and learn how to move forward in a positive direction rather than staying stuck in unhelpful patterns of thinking or behavior. In particular, reiki can be helpful for those who are dealing with personal growth issues such as low self-esteem or lack of confidence. Some Reiki Healing techniques There are many different techniques that Reiki practitioners use to bring balance and harmony to their patients. Let’s take a look at some of the most commonly used Reiki techniques. • Centring: By leading the practitioner and patient to direct their energy and focus inward, this technique helps them gain insight into their inner self. • Beaming: During this technique, practitioners direct Reiki energy from their hand to a specific area of the body in need of healing. • Hand Positions: This technique involves the practitioner positioning their hands in certain areas of the body to channel healing energy. • Smoothing and raking the aura: Through this approach, the practitioner works to clear away any negative energies and restore balance by using their hands to comb and brush through the patient’s aura delicately. • Clearing and grounding: This technique is used to help the patient feel connected and grounded as they focus on their experience and presence in the room. • Extracting harmful energies: By using this technique, one can remove any negative energies or entities that may be present in the patient. • Infusing positive energy: This technique is used to infuse the patient with positive, healing vibrations that can help them feel more relaxed and at ease. Conclusion: Reiki is a holistic healing practice that has been used for centuries with great success by millions worldwide. Its aim is simple—to help us unlock our natural ability to heal ourselves—and its techniques are gentle yet powerful enough to provide lasting relief from physical pain as well as emotional distress.

Services Offered: Relaxation massage with Reiki $135 (90 minutes) Reiki $88 (60 minutes)
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