Normally do not lie - that means sometimes u do

Whoever if at all abused about pm in public forum its not correct, I condemn it as well. But instead u blow it and start making it a Hindu Muslim thing. Also u write crap about Pakistan population and giving fuck all numbers and all our gullible public here will accept it without giving it a second thought. Population in Pakistan was never 22 percent. It was Bangladesh, hindu population in Pakistan has been more or less stable, of course there are cases of Hindus migrating back to india and ofcourse I dont deny Pakistan is a religious (islamic) state, but then thats why it was formed. Otherwise india would never have been partitioned.
I won't question u on the proofs that u have. Secular hindi- lol.
Coming to bhagvad Geeta have u ever read bhagvad geeta?? It doesnt say religion, it says dharm which means righteousness and honor not our modern religion like Hindu, Muslims etc. When Lord Krishna said those things there was nothing about religion, Kauravs and padavas had the same religion infact were from the same family. So understand what is written first in deep and then use it to make your point otherwise you are just pure stupid. let me tell one thing india was and will be a secular nation, like u mentioned about Hindus in Pakistan i will tell u about soemthing similar in India about a minority relihion, in India sikhs were more than 2% of Indian population during partition and now sikhs are 1.7 percent which shows a downward trend does that make india less secular. Despite this 50% of Indian army is made up of sikhs, which is again a minority in India. So learn to respect all religion and dont start spreading hate due to a few people wrongdoing belonging to a particular faith.
See the pic below, this tweet absolutely sums up our great country.
I know your level, instead of going through my post rationally to maa bhen hi karega, but this post is for all the other people as well in the group as well so that it acts as an eye opener to some. To each their own.
Baaki i hope i won't get sucked into this communication further. I am here for mongering and sharing experiences and that's what i will continue to do.
P.s. I am proud of my association with armed forces.
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