Yer just replying to threads but no reviews>>> Where are your reviews? No reviews from xtc anywhere??????????????I’ve taken really strong RMTmassage many times… my RMT says basically no
pain, no gain… sadist
… but Lilian, who’s very sensual & playful w me, can deliver very strong msg… there’s a kind of pinching & intense pressure 2 her style, had me yelping… she crawled on the table & cradled my leg on hers, so painful but kinda sexy… s&m style msg!
Just for funs sake xtc, Poet a review about Sabrina or your failed experience with Sasa.... why don't ya> LOL
or just post a review of anyone - I dare ya!!!
believe me and do understand you have to ride your bike to spas, and that must be tuff>>>>> especially when you are stuck in south Etobicoke.
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