Known Reviewer
I’ve seen Lucy before at the other place. To me and to be fair she was over hyped. Which girl isn’t though right? These days there is a ton of shills and promoters that makes it hard to trust any of them. I mean you see threads where basically dudes are talking to themselves but under different handles. It’s nuts. Anyway, Lucy was a nice girl when I saw her. Massage to me was alright. I did get more than you did but again this varies from person to person. Good luck and I hope your next experience is a good one.I agree that she's great to talk to and I actually do think she's pretty, too. However, I was led to believe that she was far prettier than she actually is. I also have to say I expected a better more fit and shapely body. Am I being too harsh? One thing I remember thinking was that I wouldn't have booked her if I knew she wouldn't kiss me at all. Total Boner Killer. Knowing that she previously worked at the spa around the corner that is known for kissing I was certainly surprised. She was the only one that I've seen in Bellagio Wellness Spa since last Summer that didn't give me at least a LFK on first visit. The Only one. Couldn't believe this was the girl some people hyped up so much. This was one of my most underwhelming experiences, and it was probably the one I was most hyped for. Maybe my expectations were too high after seeing how much the promoter and some others were hyping her up. Left a bad taste in my mouth and I haven't been back since.