
Decatur, IL – Highlights from the March 17, 2025 Decatur City Council meeting include approval of a permanent lift assist fee for commercial assisted-living facilities, and the requirement that massage establishments be licensed by the City.
Permanent Lift Assist fee
On Monday night the Decatur City Council approved the permanence of a lift assist fee for commercial assisted-living facilities. Lift assists are non-emergency situations where first responders are called to lift or help someone up who does not need to go to hospital. Council first approved the lift assist fee in April 2024 with a one-year sunset clause. It is now been made permanent.
The fee is $500 minimum and will only apply to defined commercial assisted-living facilities. Since April 1, 2024, Decatur Fire officials report a 60 percent decrease in the number of lift assist calls at commercial facilities compared to the previous two-year average.
This ordinance does not affect individual homes or apartments. It applies to commercial facilities, nursing homes, or other similar congregate care facilities.
Licenses for massage establishments
Council also approved an ordinance requiring massage establishments be licensed by the City of Decatur. This item was tabled at the last City Council meeting and returned with some changes after City staff met with local massage therapists.
Chapter 52.4 requires that massage establishments be inspected by police, fire, and code enforcement to ensure safety and compliance, that businesses meet standards for sanitation and operation, and follow guidelines for employees, among other requirements. Licensed massage establishments may only operate between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Other guidelines include the prohibition of people residing or staying overnight in the licensed premises unless there are completely separated living quarters that are properly zoned, and require the entrance be clearly visible with clear glass that is not darkened or blocked by a cloth or other obstruction.
Based on feedback from local massage therapists, the City’s establishment license will be good for two years, alternating with the renewal of State of Illinois licenses. The City also made accommodations for solo massage therapists by amending the requirements for restroom and dressing facilities, and eliminating the requirement that locations have bath and locker rooms. The license application is $50 and licenses will expire on April 30 of each odd year.
Exceptions to operating without a license apply to medical facilities, athletic programs, licensed cosmetologists, educational institutions, and State-licensed home-based massage service providers.
Moving home rehabilitation projects in house
Home rehabilitation projects previously performed by the Central Illinois Land Bank Authority (CILBA) will soon become an internal function within the City of Decatur. Council authorized the City Manager to terminate any agreements between the City of Decatur and CILBA.
Bringing the tasks performed by CILBA in-house will be a cost-saving measure. Those include home rehabilitations (Abandonment to Rehab program), roof replacements, and demolitions. City staff still considers these important needs for our community and they will soon be performed internally.
More information about these topics can be found in the City Council meeting packet, downloadable/viewable here: Agendas & Minutes | Decatur, IL