Butt hurt much? How many other handles do you have currently?
Just one princess, and one I left behind last season with 5 or 6 years of comments etc.
I think you should start adding positive posts, information maybe, instead of sitting around here and making miserable, negative, inappropriate and ill informed comments.
Fact is you are a time waster from what I can tell, no real input, just negative and mostly inaccurate comments, as in this case.
You have no idea, but you think patrolling MP here and provide negative comments is a full time job. The forum doesn't need you here for police and detective work and make inaccurate comments.
It's a forum, make reviews, makes comments that are informed, and stop the negatively.
STOP attacking and making inaccurate comments about other members. This is about the spas, locations, hours, girls, services, and your OWN personal experiences you would like to share.
I'm tired our your act, especially since most of the time YOU ADD NOTHING for the members. So PLEASE, stop with the inaccurate comments and the negativity.
I've likely had more spa visits in ONE YEAR, than you've had in a lifetime. I'm not out and about that much these days, I have a few ladies on the menu that I am fortunate to visit.
So, please enough .... positive and information based comments are always welcome by all the members. If you have nothing good to say, then STFU, respectfully.