As Slip said, various ways 2 make a guy cum

exist in semilegit world… just don’t go looking 4 bj or FS, that’s not allowed …
Lindor’s the service queen

in that respect… although the letters don’t appear after her name, RF

, IF

, & btwn the thighs (oh man sexy & a bit dangerous) , she does them all… she did w me!

Really gd kisser 2 …
Cecelia definitely does HE… how u get there really depends on how u2 get along… in her

reviews, IF definitely mentioned…
Anya’s a newbie, young GND look like a slim sexy Korean bride… does HE

but u can’t count on more than that
Then we get 2 Irene! She’s very restrictive, doesn’t do much more than hugging


touching… not even HE… but guys luv her, always busy … very pretty tall young girl w long legs, gr8 body, & xxxcellent English.