
  1. X

    Chat Actual spa ads are back! YAY! slowly returning 2 normal... ...cannot express how good it feels to see those fake pics again! :fly ...a few more spas than this open... these guys out in the open... AWESOME! Bro’s... how you feel?
  2. S

    Chat Less Ads

    Checking in every now and again and I do seem to really enjoy not having to scroll through a seemingly endless number of ads at the top of the page to get to the threads. I guess some silver lining to take in?
  3. Wills_willie

    Kijiji Ads Removed

    Have y'all noticed that a lot of ads have been removed. The notice says: "Hmm... Apparently this page no longer exists. Most likely the page has been removed or there was a typo in the link." Seems Kijiji is closely monitoring their site for scrupulous posts,. Hmmmm
  4. Wills_willie

    Kijiji Ads Removed

    Have y'all noticed that a lot of ads have been removed. The notice says: "Hmm... Apparently this page no longer exists. Most likely the page has been removed or there was a typo in the link." Seems Kijiji is closely monitoring their site for scrupulous posts,. Hmmmm
  5. M

    With Witty New Ads, Massage Envy Wants Pampering to Be a More Accessible Part of Life - Adweek

    | 4 hours ago To some degree, people look at massages and other wellness activities as a luxury. Additionally, there can be some level of intimidation in taking an hour or two for one’s wellbeing. But at Massage Envy, a facial could very well be the gateway for a stressed-out society to get a...
  6. Bigstiff57

    Question kijiji ads

    anyone got intel on any of the following? thx
  7. F

    Kijjiji ads..

    Hi yall, I ve been thinking about these ads on kijiji but i wasnt sure so i was wondering if there were any recommendations. I ve been looking at these Tiffany Your Beautiful French Masseuse | Health & Beauty | City of Toronto | Kijiji Katie Katiesmassage studio | Health & Beauty | City of...
  8. admin

    We accept 5 Major Crypto Currencies for Ads now

    Folks, I am happy to report that we are accepting 5 Major Crypto currencies for advertising starting today, in addition to existing payment methods.
  9. Rubmegood

    ADs Massage

    Anybody have info on this one? It lists 9320 Jasper Ave. as the address. Description For a limited time, get two 1 hour sessions for a price of $128. Normally a $160 value. -Thai...
  10. M

    4 arrested after ads for massage parlors found on sex forums Sierra McLean 7:44 AM - LEX18...

    BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (LEX 18) — Police in Bowling Green, Kentucky have arrested four people after discovering ads for two massage parlors placed in online sex forums. Police targeted Blue Sky Massage and Lavender Massage after finding ads for the businesses on pages were commercial sex acts are...
  11. That Metal Guy

    those fucking ads

    Whenever I visit here on my phone, I have to scroll past 30 ads every page. Anyway to remove these fucking things?
  12. P

    Massage Ads

    Hi, Just wondering where to find advertizing for massage parlours now that backpage is gone. Thx Pilen
  13. O

    Where is everyone getting info from?

    Just wondering. Besides this site and the red and blue forums, where do you look for ads and info? With the demise of Craigslist and Backpage and the swiftly rising prices for placing an ad on Leolist, are there other places that provide any value? TIA
  14. R

    Backpage Ads reliability

    Hello all New here but not to the world of massages. Before I start posting reviews, I've wondered how reliable all those back page ads are. Can people share their experiences good and bad for the fraternity here? Cheers
  15. independenthands

    What websites do people look on for reg or adult massage ads?

    The number of websites are dwindling. Alot have closed down :(
  16. independenthands

    What websites do people look on for ref or adult massage ads?

    The number of websites are dwindling. Alot have closed down :(
  17. Ursus

    Ladies, get your ads pre-screened by one of your trusted male friends

    Because if not, you could end up posting a pic like this one. OMFG, that is an ill-advised picture. I have seen Katie before and she looks better in person, but her pic, below, is atrocious.
  18. Ursus

    Carmen is back in the KW area, posting ads again

    Carmen was an escort that was active about 5 years ago, then she dropped off the radar. She used to work at the Best Western on Fairway. She was a good looking girl back then. Charged $100 for HH. She had some tattoos and she didn't wash between clients (hate that), but overall, she was a sexy...
  19. Mikel.Gimenez

    Barcelona Provider Reviews & Escorts Ads -

    Latest news in SexoMercadoBcn is a spanish forum covering sex related activities, and is the segment leader in the area of Catalonia, including Barcelona city.
  20. P

    Cuddle from CL ads

    Did anyone try that ? I found a ms cuddling at the Craigslist..She is charging 60 dollars it is not nude cuddling. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk