
  1. M

    Spa treatments in Aurora

    Beauty treatments in Aurora. Private Home. Nice Aesthetic room. 1 hr Therapeutic Swedish Massage $60 1 hr Reflexology treatments $60 Earcandling, $35. Lymphobiology treatments for the face. (gets rid of lines, wrinkles, pigmentation discoloring, bags under the eyes and acne). $60 IPL Medispa...
  2. M

    Spa treatments in Aurora

    Beauty treatments in Aurora. Private Home. Nice Aesthetic room. 1 hr Therapeutic Swedish Massage $60 1 hr Reflexology treatments $60 Earcandling, $35. Lymphobiology treatments for the face. (gets rid of lines, wrinkles, pigmentation discoloring, bags under the eyes and acne). $60 IPL Medispa...