
  1. T

    Daniella of Allure?

    Does anyone know where she went to? Has she retired or moved? This is the third of my favourite attendants that has disappeared (and the second from Allure)...
  2. T

    Silhoutti Spa Nancy Verses Daniella

    At Silhoutte Sap they have 2 Ukarain origin MPA's, i have met Nancy, she is moderate in her services, but she is pretty cool facially and her body is a hard rock. Anyone had a chance to date Daniella, who is also from Ukrain and 24yrs old MPA how is her beauty and service? I could not find any...
  3. L

    Daniella @ Allure

    We all know Daniella @ Allure is the former "Melissa @ BP". Since I had so many legendary BS sessions with Melissa @ BP, it was time I paid the Columbian MPA a visit in her new Allure digs. When Daniella walked into the room, she was very cold. Apparently, she reads massageplanet.net too...
  4. C

    Review: Daniella @ AlphaCare

    http://www.alphacare.ca/cgi-bin/attendant.pl?id=83 I have been wanting to see her for quite some time but either our schedules didn’t work out or she was busy when I popped in anyways I ended up getting lucking and got my session. Her description above is correct except with in regards to...
  5. A

    Review: Daniella @ Allure

    http://www.alluremassage.ca/ Well needless to say that given the peer pressure from the likes of Big M, TLM and GDude that an eventual visit to Allure to see this precious lady has been in the works for a long time. I wanted to see her and then she disappeared and only recently has returned...
  6. Seb

    Review: Daniella @ Allure

    This review is long overdue, but better late than never. I had a session with Daniella during her second coming at Allure. A few things didn't turn out so well, but I can see why she is positively reviewed so far, especially by some dude who's into electricity conservation. Allure has...
  7. tyson

    Review: Nadia and Daniella @ Coral Studios

    Here are a couple of belated reviews: http://www.coralstudio.net Review: Nadia @ Coral Studios I originally wanted to see Daniella but when I decided to pop in quite a few weeks ago she wasn’t available but was told that Nadia was available now. I remember what Airlifter had said about...
  8. E

    Daniella @ Allure: Return of a sexy chica

    When the name Daniella recently appeared on the Allure schedule there was some discussion as to whether or not it was the same Daniella that had worked there a few months ago. I did everything I could think of to make this the case:lighting candles, saying prayers, sacrificing animals and...
  9. S

    Daniella at Utopia

    Am pretty sure that Daniella at Utopia (http://utopiamassage.com/daniella.html) is ex Vanessa at Enigma (now SRM). Had a couple of great sessions with her a year or so ago but have read that Utopia is a little hit and miss in terms of service and was wondering if that had rubbed off on Daniella...
  10. Pompal 09.

    Daniella @ Allure

    First of all, I must commend the management at Allure for running their business as it should. I've never had much of a wait, never had any issues with the room, and have always had a better than average time with their ladies. I do not go to often due to the distance, but I may now have seen...
  11. H

    review: Daniella

    I saw Daniella a little while ago and I gotta say, I post this review with great reservation. My fear, as always, is that a) she'll attract the riff raff, which she doesn't deserve, and b) she'll become busy and I'll have a hard time seeing her again. Anyway, here goes. Her pictures don't...
  12. S

    Review: Daniella @ Allure

    Decided to check out Daniella at Allure one afternoon recently. I have had her on my TDL for a while but schedules just did not line up. Booking at allure was easy
  13. C

    Daniella @ Allure (ex-Melissa@BP) is where?

    Does anyone know where the short MPA named Daniella @ Allure (the former Melissa @ BP) has gone? My money is on IT or HFH... as she's got nice enough tits to work at these fun MPs. Please keep the massageplanet.net Nation informed.
  14. M

    Where is Daniella from Allure

    Where is Daniella from Allure, she is not on schedule this week. Is she gone on holidays???