Look at what he's doing now on the Bellagio thread
Irene doesn't do HJ but BradXTC say that she's busy and insinuates that she must be doing more. Then he goes on to say that it would take repeat visits yadayada. Meanwhile, the poor girl has to put up with all of the advances.
Same with Victoria however at least Vicortia will do HJ and maybe more.
Lola as far as I'm concerned is not even a consideration for me.
A while ago BradXTC was going on excessively about how she uses mouthwash. The day before this I was with her and I couldn't stand her breath. It was really really bad. I found it funny that he would mention how fresh her breath is and how she smells like mouthwash. NO mouthwash is going to fix that smell!!!
Someone must have DMd him and he had it relayed back to her to use mouthwash.
The guy is such a crooked scamartist.
Look for Irene to have enough and leave just like Cherry, Lillian, Michelle and the DFK long distance runner that he over promoted. She obviously got tired of the DFK mongrels hounding her. I can't remember her name but she was hot as hell and awesome!!! I really liked that girl.