She's incedibly beautiful. Massage wasn't too bad either.
Michelle apprised me prior to going into the room.
I was chuckling to myself when I could hear the crinkling noise as she massaged my shoulders
Half way through, she turned the lights on full blast and i could feel her spreading my legs and butt

I guess she wanted to get a close look to see if I was clean

. Then the gloves came off for the remainder, until the flip.
She is extremely nice, not shy and up front.
Really too bad as she would be a force in the industry.
I did manage to get some inside info from her. She has an absolutely gorgeous friend around the same age that is in the industry but works at another spa. It just happens that I know her and she is one of my favorites.
Should ask her (not me) to have her friend take a shift or 2 at E&M. She is a game changer.