There is still very little on Monica but will attempt a small feature. Boss described her as very young looking, cute.
I did have the pleasure and can attest she is a little dynamo when in come to her massage. Very petite but uses her skills to give you that is what is expected of an EM massage specialist. Always smiling and attentive, asking what you like. Her tease and finish is very good and am sure she gets the respect from customers and repeats. Semi describes her to a tee in his review below.
I did have the pleasure and can attest she is a little dynamo when in come to her massage. Very petite but uses her skills to give you that is what is expected of an EM massage specialist. Always smiling and attentive, asking what you like. Her tease and finish is very good and am sure she gets the respect from customers and repeats. Semi describes her to a tee in his review below.
So I decided to venture away from my usuals and saw Monica. Shes pretty small and does have one of those young looking faces not super young like Christina but good enough for me. Her massage was surprisingly strong for such a tiny girl especially when she was sitting on my butt. She was using her weight really effectively and she managed to make me wince once or twice but in a good way. On the flip I was treated to some very nice smooth assets and was allowed to explore a bit. I got the impression that she is still a bit new to the fun part at least but overall a good experience
Not sure if she'll be invited back, but I think she should be![]()
Monica is young, slim, cute, shapely and sure to be a favourite of many!