As i said before, i know Priyanka chawla personally. That is the reason i was helping her. Let me tell you very clearly, if you are searching sex worker, or prostitute type of personality, Priyanka is certainly doesn't fall in that category. Only if you are searching a classy companionship where sex is a part of the game, then, you can try her. I have different needs. I need warmth and companionship of a classy , well educated girl. That's why i meet her repeatedly. I know She only visit 5 stars. And i book only 5 stars for her.
Her reviews are genuine, see the timeline and her replies to it. FR is actually a tricky place though. But, she is actually genuine. As far as age is concerned, she did justified the same in one of her reviews which i completely agree with. She really looks 25 , may be different in real age, but , dude, her looks and long hair , long legs, soft body, maintained figure, i literally die for

. Infact, i also wrote a review for her when she didn't even asked for. Every person is different. May be you didn't liked her service, but she is actually not for sex only. She is a true GFE.
All i can say is she is not doing this for money or any problem for sure. I noticed her luxurious lifestyle. She is very educated and earning very good apart from these activities. Indeed , she is wealthy and she is actually single. She is not having any boy friend currently. And whenever she dates anyone, she becomes inactive during that time .Fr is actually a secondary thing for her and that's why she choose. Always remember - "beggars can't be chooser" . But she do reject guys. Think this side of coin too. I agree that i need to be careful , but, what's wrong in becoming a good friend? . I'm actually very impressed from this girl, that's why , i supported her.
Anyways, i really loved this portal. It's quite happening.