Bhai log, losted my valued three months time on her thinking she will come in my hand while accompanying with her by her bus regulary and again coming back to my home which consum my 2 hours for both sides and I purchased all many branded clothes, shoes and purfums for me to impress her having my nice dressings evryday with new ones daily but at the end nothing came in my hand..lost much money, time, energy and my dreams.
She complained thru her friend and bus conductor about me that iam following her regularly and watching her in wrong way which conductor told me to stop what iam doing with her after she went down by bus, also I saw conductor is also evryday chatting with her, some time without tickets allowing her to travel and seems doing his setting with her.
Bus conductor is also younger like 29year old.
Seems she is not interested in me is the hint for me

so this is fourth time in my life I like girls but they rejected me.

Kindly advice and suggest what is wrong here by me. Thanks

Henceforth no trust on love with any girl's as I have no heart remain now.
I Will come back to mongering soon now as mongering was stopped by me since last three months due to my mind was more involved in her to get success!!
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