Thanks man
We all are mongers and must share experience and advice. FR is one major factor by which ppl learn but there are lessons apart from frs which also must be shared
Comming to lecturing point again one of our monger got very very close to indie and she started using him for her small medium expenses. We friends tried hard to advise hin even offered another hot girls at low cost so that he deviates but all in vain.
Finally we used new proxy monger who always used to break his sessions by over paying him. Girl used to give odd reasons to friend and cancel or postpone session. Even proxy inquired about our friend and make fool out of him. The girl didnt get the clue and opened secrets how she used monger and purchased sari by sharing suhagrat dream with monger etc. Finally we disclose everything to monger and he got detached from girl.
So as i always say dont repeat girls it has meaning. Some may treat it well but few who get very close to even good girls may never know how girl is using him as cash piggy.
Whoever wants to learn god bless them. Even who dont want to learn god must bless them doubly. Finally when i meet god after life i dont want him to blame me for not sharing this freely. I dont want to go to hell with devils but wants to enjoy angels for free

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