Known Reviewer
Actually, my first wife was a hindu. DDG, educated, slim, petite, great figure, hard working...but kept a 3 cm plastic statue of ganesh from MYTHOLOGY in our car, "to keep her safe"!!!!!!!
Of course you are a satanic atheist. The only people who hate modi and pity you idol/devil worshippers in india are the ones that worship God.
Now go back to looking for shemales and your aunties to screw. Maybe if your ilk didn't murder so many of your fetus and infant girls that some of your cesspool cities have 70% males, you wouldn't have so many faggots and mother/auntie fuckers.
U go back to doing what U r best at lol -

Chutiya married Uncle looks like Aunty ( Ur wife ) isn't allowing u to drill her pussy & hence u r taking out your frustration over here haha

Go jerk off somewhere else, instead of getting bashed by everyone over here oldie.
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