Interesting comment, totally divorced from reality. Please see my review yesterday for Ella on the Zen thread, and a few weeks back of Selina and Sasa on the JR thread, or Angela at Golden 101. Point out a single lie or spin and I will retract those reviews. They are accurate, and obviously so for anyone who actually visits in spa world.
But you are just trying to validate your silly childish trolling. Obvious to all and sundry that you are a bitter, broke, loser with zero accomplishments in life, trying to be heard on a "vag" site by insulting people who obviously do hobby, and do so frequently. Your insults, the content and the way you write makes it clear no one pays you the least attention, as you go through your days muttering and spewing bile. Reached your level of incompetence, only able to take shots at others who you know deep down get more done by January 2nd then you will achieve in a year, or likely a lifetime. So bile away troll boy, we all know exactly what you are; it is evident every time you post.