Hawaii health spa
3110 kingston rd.Scarborough m1m 1p2 , unit7

: 4162618088
Host: coco & linda ( Thursday & Sunday)
Coco took off work last week and she will come back tomorrow thursday ( January 6th.) and Sunday( January 9th.)
This reminds me a four hands seccion with her last time, here we go:
Me and coco did 4 hands massage together, this customer asked coco gave him a bbjcim first then we started massage him together, after a while, this customer said: "coco, you can go and do your things, let linda massage me is fine" . Coco went to the pravite room and I continued to massage. This client had a problem with his arm and doctor suggested him do surgery . I say NO surgery definitely ! In my work experience, almost every pain is because if tenders tight . Pain is our body's self-protection mechanism, but find the pain point loose the tender , fix the pain. even kidney stones!
His arm pain is a small problem, no need to do surgery at all.
During my treatment, the customer started screaming, I rubbed again and he screaming again. Coco came back in and asked: "What happen, why customer screaming? "
I said, "It's okay, i massage the pain point , he feel pain, but i just need few seconds, his arm will be fine."
This customer said jokingly: "Linda is very mean, she just find the pain point to hurt me, but it doesn't matter, she does this for my own good, coco, you don't have to worry"
Coco left and I continued to finish my massage routine. After finishing, this customer dressed up and turned around and shook his arm again and again and said, "It's is too much looser, no pain any more, thank you, thank you !" and left satisfiedly.
Later, I asked coco:" coco ,do you think that I like hurting and torturing people?"
Coco said:" I think so too"
and I said, "If I find the pain point, I need to massage this point then client will definitely feel pain, but if I stop , how to fix the problem? That is the way how I works, so when I work, On one hand, I have to coax the guests like a child. On the other hand, I have to continue working with a clear purpose. In fact, my heart is also tugging when the customer screaming, I don't enjoy torturing them, do you understand ? Am i wrong?"
Coco comforted me : "You're not wrong, just do it lighter when customer screaming."
Later another client came in with a bad lower back pain, I need to fix it again, coco told me: "Don't press too hard linda."
I said "OK"
From the tone of Coco's speech, I can feel that she gives customers more love ❤ and soft care.
Then I asked myself: "Am I wrong?"
But I don't think I'm wrong, all we give to our customers is love, just the ways of expressing are different. That's that, AM I WRONG? ?