@deeptishyou, as a noob, I'll fill you in about guys like
dick tracy: They are what, in internet language, is called a "Troll". They don't have a life outside of going on various chat forums to stir up shit. The more shit they can disturb, the happier they are. The more people they can get riled up and arguing with them, the more they stir up even MORE shit. Over the years we've had them come and go on this forum. The only way to get rid of them is to take away their fun by not reacting to their jabs and outrageous comments and insults. Fortunately, the mods built in the handy-dandy "ignore" feature into the forum which makes it easy to not react to them. The rule to remember on any forum is this: "Don't feed the trolls".
Follow this rule and eventually the troll gets bored because he can't rile anyone up anymore and he moves on to find another hunting ground. Remember: