got up in the morning and had a reasonable heavy nothing to do till noon, just travelled across length and breadth of KOL, reached SG around 2.30 PM... realized market yet t b active..most of the chiks r still on their sleep.. i wonder most of them were Reviewee at even 11:30 PM yesterady, they must have got business mpter that??? difficult to believe....else why the hell a person sleep till 3 losing business!!! mpter few casual visits to some of bldgs, entered KP, picked atall chick with very nice figure Reviewom first floor, sheโs Reviewom Ujjain, name I forgot, so many names in short period

, she was with a matured lady , seems like her mom!! Made deal for ST, yeah another 2.1K, it was an above average performance.... lot of licking, bitings etc,
was very smart and jovial, cooperative too...but so many now i realized these Nos are SG standards...just asked any other position, offered doggy... i did it decently..
body 9/10 (b0*bs were a bit small but sufficient)
looks 8/10
GFE 8/10
WIR can be
Next visit at around 8 PM.... i just revised the entire vist, i noticed a point that all the chicks worked with me in this visit are of similar body shape...all were nice figures...ample bosom etc.. kab tak chicken biriyani khayega??? Need some daal chaaval too

.... decided either very slim or a bubbly next half an hr hunt, learnt almost all slimmys are slummys... made up my mind for bubbly.... i had 3 choice
1. Puja PB Ist floor
2. Pinky dreamhouse G floor
3. on bld 12 G floor, first room facing the entrance
being Saturday night the first 2 were already booked for some dance or ST... decided Pinky she asked me to wait till 10!!! She had a dance and ST ... i was a bit rigid, i didnโt want to go anywhere else...waited till 10 had drinks,food and 10 she says dance is not possible as few more on the queue for the night....WTF!!! i had to settle with a short.... it was mere a mechanical one...was not in a mood to ask more too... just finished and left.. she was very fair and innocent in looks and talks very sweet, a typical shy Indian girl...
interstingly, she was the first Bengali in the trip....