HI, writing FR of a previous visit to SG. I am bit tired today and not in a mood to do much. so sharing my experience(of one month ago).
Here its goes,
As usually called my friend in dreamhouse before boarding the flight and told her not to get busy. because as mentioned earlier I normally prefer to be the first customer for that day

flight got slightly delayed in the night, and she called me twice to check, i asked her to wait. i normally take a standard hotel close to SG. so not to waste time with traffic.
When I reached her room she was with her family (they stay close by ), she introduced me to them and but i did not speak much infront of them,
I guess she expected me to talk and wanted them to know about our relation(what ever it was)
It was just before durga pooja days, and there was some football competition with loud speakers. So neither we can play music nor i was able to concentrate due to these songs and loud speeches.
but still spent one hour, i frankly dnot remember what I did in that hour (obviously would have done my regular stuff) .
I actually went there to finalize our plan for a general outing with her.I wanted to take her during daytime for a movie or to my room etc
she was initially bit confused and scared to come out and rejected it when I brought it to her for the first time . I went there to convince her.
She appeared to be convinced this time, but next day morning when I called to confirm our meeting place, she again seemed to be lost. after giving 2 attempts I decided to drop the idea and rather visit her directly at her room.
Around 1:00pm afernoon, I boarded the metro at MG road, but instead of alighting at Sovabazar, I got down at Shyam bazar and it was raining.
called my pimp and asked him to be ready with umbrella and I took a taxi for a short ride to SG.
Luckily it was only drizzling a bit& cloudy and we casually went around looking for new frds, had nice veiw of SG from some building tops(reminded me opening shots in RGV films).
This time before going to my old frds (actually one of my other regular had periods and she said she can only dance and no shot, but rejected since I normally end up kissing there which I cant do with periods)
So my pimp started to recommned some other girls. I think he recommended 2 gals in Sangam.
but for some reason, I selected a new girl in Prembandhan
I took her because of the emerald shade in her eyes, she maintained good physique for SG standards. I actually spent 2 hours with her because of her belly("navel" to be exact),
If you guys are familiar with 'Silk Smitha "Navel"' and wanted to try a miniature of hers, you guys can pick this girl.I really love the "Navel" shape of Silk smitha.
always had a dream of sucking one aunty with such navel (another actress, I guess Jaya bharathi comes close to her).
but frankly, I did not enjoy her company. since I got used to be with gals who know me quiet well, she on contrary was focusing on time and how many times she had to ejaculate.
So at end of it, was dissapointed that i spent two hours. after this gal, my pimp again took me to sangam which he was recommending. My eye were there on a really buxom beauty, seen her few times before but did not take her as was not sure how she might behave(she is actually quiet well built). but took her this time, only to try one real buxom beauty with thunder thighs.
It was around 4-5pm and asked her to take bath and get ready. she was quiet good after she got read with makeup. had good time, but because of her heavy personality could not try all othe things which I normally do with other gals, I can easily lift them and change positions. but this girl was feeling shy and not confident when I told I can lift her.
Had some good exercise and should admit that had some lusty experience.
Came out after sometime, and decided enough of action for the day and wanted to get back to room. but normally, always before leaving I visit my frd in DH for chitchat.
this time, since I already told her that I would meet later that day, I made a point to visit her despite feeling bit exhausted.
While I was taking the stairs upto her room, saw her standing near the door in plain bluesaree ( was really awestruck).
I was with her manytimes, but somehow that light blue saree and the smile she gave, having seen me have blown me away. she was like sridevi in a movie(song) with blue saree and white blouse.
So again had to start my action, I really wanted to dance with her in that Saree. actually she enjoy's my dance a lot and infact she always insists for some dance before the action.
but her music system was not working properly, she tried few songs in TV and mobile. but since sound quality was not good, I said enough of dance and lets have some action. Infact we have action and dance both together; Infact this is the reason I like SG from rest of the world, because you can dance and perform at same time, really lucky to have found SG or else my life would have been half waste.
So this was my second day summary, went next day again post my work with my bag(on the way to airport for 2-3 hours).
gave my bag to the pimp and went around SG. not able to remember what I did on that day because its been more than a month but I am sure something equally romantic or erotic would have happened.
This month, because of shortage of funds not going now, actually cancelled my company trip and will go again later months I guess.