Do you have a regular schedule to post? I understand there could be last minute changes.
Gals @ Bellagio luv trading shifts w each other, & many have last minute stuff, esp the young ones have tests & essays, & need a day off...
... on top of that,many taking vacation in next few months... & likely new hires in January...
Most reliable gals = Lucy & Cecelia.
Lucy = Mon-Fri, 11-6... sometimes a bit later... & she's not gonna work NY

Cecelia = Wed-Fri & Sun... but like Lucy, not gonna work NY

Shallon = Mon & Fri ... legit msg

girl only
Soli = Mon - Thurs... & she's not gonna take time off this wk
Rica's sched changes allot... I'm not gonna guess...
Clara's a free spirit

... but when she's in, tends 2b Sat-Sun
Lola's been taking allotta xxxtra shifts lately, but usually she's Sat & Sun, various wkdays
Wind's all over the place...
Victoria's Tue Wed Fri... could b different this wk... & heading vacay
